Certified Compliance Officer (SHB)
Specialization: Trademark law for entrepreneurs, Internet law/ distance selling for entrepreneurs, intellectual property law, protection of secrets
other areas of expertise: Copyright law, IT law, data protection law, IP compliance (intellectual property)
Correspondence languages: German, English, Dutch
Karla Fornoville, born in 1974, has been working as a lawyer since 2005 and primarily advises companies and self-employed persons on the subject of Internet and distance selling law, secrecy protection and the protection of intellectual property in everyday business. Her consulting services are cross-sectoral and are also aimed at founders, young companies and companies dealing with digitalization for the first time.
Through thorough and individually tailored contract advice in advance, combined with expert negotiation, disputes can often be avoided. This is one of the main motivations of their legal work.
Advice is also available in Dutch and English.
Karla Fornoville is involved in various networks and holds other honorary offices:
- Deputy mayor of the municipality of Tröbitz
- Chairwoman of the "Kleine Elster" water association
- Member of the board Neopreneurs - Network for young entrepreneurs and self-employed in South Brandenburg